Registrations Open Soon
Welcome to the Charleston Challenge Website. Are you Ready to Charleston in 2013. Want to be part of a World Record Attempt?

With the Charleston dance challenge world record attempt at Leura Mall  less than 3 weeks away now is the time to registerOnline registrations now open.


  1. G Winston says:

    Registered one person. Unable to register another. Please Help!
    Website not functioning correctly.

  2. j Baxter says:

    filled in the form, pressed the buttons,
    then the form re-appeared with nothing in it.
    not sure if my registration was submitted or not.

    • admin says:

      Hi J Baxter, We have sent you an email. Please let us know whether you have received it! Many thanks CCDU

  3. JOAN says:

    Just a question, how early do we need to be ther if we have registered online? Some people have to travel from the city. Thanks

    • admin says:

      Many thanks for your feedback. We look forward to seeing you and many others that are traveling quite some distances to be at Leura this Saturday.
      If you would like to refresh/practice the routine informally then you will be able to do so between 8am and 10am, if not then we look forward to seeing you at 10am.
      Hope that helps! Sincerely, CCDU Team

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