Save the date and flap along to Leura Mall on: DATE: SATURDAY, 1st FEBRUARY 2014 TIME: 11am Make a weekend of it and stay at oneRead More
Welcome to the Roaring 20s and all that Jazz! Festival. Following on from the success of last year, we have prepared a fabulous 2013 program forRead More
Yes, yes, yes we have kept the same routine as last year! We would love to have you all back with your family and friends toRead More
We a pleased to announce that on Saturday, 2nd February 2013, the Blue Mountain Flyer™ will be flying through the suburbs of Sydney and into theRead More
Thank you for your patience while we update the site the new routine and song will be added shortly, registrations will also open soon, we hope you areRead More
It’s official! Charleston Challenge Downunder will get its chance to reign as the world record holder for the most number of Charleston Dancers, dancing the sameRead More
big thank you to everyone that was there to give it a real go with such style, flare and so much colour! Thank you to allRead More
With the Charleston dance challenge world record attempt at Leura Mall less than 3 weeks away now is the time to register. Online registrations now open.
an O’Shea is regarded by most as Australia’s No. 1 Lady of Swing and publically dubbed by the late great Frankie Manning who travelled to AustraliaRead More
Leura, an aboroginal word for ‘lava’, erupts with blossoms in Spring, is temperate in Summer, explodes with Autumn colour and brings the wood-fire best out ofRead More